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Info / Inspirace
Moderátor: Pego
- Pego
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- Registrován: sob 05 dub 2008 19:46
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Info / Inspirace
[Pego 28.02.2012: Zbirka ruznych temat, ktere mne zaujali a mohli by byt zajimave i pro Vas. Informace zde presentovane nemusi zodpovidat terejsimu stavu ortodoxni vedy a mohou teda nekoho pobourit. Pre ctenim doporucuji zmerit krvni tlak.
Poctenicko pro premyslive
Poctenicko pro premyslive
Nemáte oprávnění prohlížet přiložené soubory.
Naposledy upravil(a) Pego dne pon 29 čer 2009 9:40, celkem upraveno 7 x.
- Pego
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Ed Leedskalnin a jeho Coral Castle
Neco i pro magnetare / prostor / antigravitaci / VE
Experimenty s vodou
Experimenty s vodou
- Pego
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- Příspěvky: 612
- Registrován: sob 05 dub 2008 19:46
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Podrobne o drevoplynu
taky - kapitola 6 1MW drevoplynem pohanena elektrarna v Paraguai
taky - kapitola 6 1MW drevoplynem pohanena elektrarna v Paraguai
- Pego
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- Příspěvky: 612
- Registrován: sob 05 dub 2008 19:46
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- Dostal: 19 poděkování
- Pego
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- Příspěvky: 612
- Registrován: sob 05 dub 2008 19:46
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- Pego
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- Příspěvky: 612
- Registrován: sob 05 dub 2008 19:46
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- Dostal: 19 poděkování
- Pego
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- Příspěvky: 612
- Registrován: sob 05 dub 2008 19:46
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Prebublavani z vyfuku
Tak to prebublavani uz pochopili i v cizine:
Nemáte oprávnění prohlížet přiložené soubory.
- Pego
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- Příspěvky: 612
- Registrován: sob 05 dub 2008 19:46
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- Dostal: 19 poděkování
- Pego
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- Příspěvky: 612
- Registrován: sob 05 dub 2008 19:46
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Este tak vedet Budapestski...
ma tam i info o sonofuzi (od Hector-a) a rotoverter - ten sem tady este nevidel....
ma tam i info o sonofuzi (od Hector-a) a rotoverter - ten sem tady este nevidel....
- Pego
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- Příspěvky: 612
- Registrován: sob 05 dub 2008 19:46
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- Dostal: 19 poděkování
Hector - dimenze, pokus o překlad Pego
V 3D máte fyzickej referenční rámec sestávající z hloubky a výšky, šířky, které tvoří určitý mentální rámec.
V 4D máte výšku, šířku, hloubku a vektory pohybu přemítnuté jako hyperkostka v 3D, máte řadu minulých a budoucích rámců, které se skládají z předchozích a budoucí rámců energie v pohybu, která je označována jako čas, který má také svůj ekvivalent výšky, hloubky a šířky, které tvoří 3D materiální projekci hyperkostky, ale je to spojené s energetickou součástí hmoty, v tom kterém časovém horizontu...
Podíváme-li se na 3D, je jako se podíváme na jeden snímek z filmu.
Podíváme-li se na 4D, je jako dívat se na celý film jako jediný komponent a pochopení sil, které regulovali všechny změny, políčko po políčku, od začátku až do konce jako jedinou složku.
5. dimenze je pak, podíváme-li se na všechny matematické rovnice, kterýma se řídí životy těch, kteří udělali film až po jednotlivé atomy, které šli do výroby celofánu filmu a fotony, které vytvořili obrázek v jeho chemickém složení, další chemické reakce, které vyvolali film, včetně rukou, které založili rolku filmu do vyvolávacího stroje a taky, co si člověk, vyvolávající film, myslel v tomto okamžiku. (čtení mysli bohů).
6. dimenze se vztahuje na 4096 fyzikálních zákonů, kterými se řídí světy v stvoření, od pekla až po nebe, viděné také, jak celý film, divadlo a galaxie je jakoby v dalším filmu, který je ve filmu, který je ve filmu. Nalinkované od středu autrotrogoegocratic-kého vesmíru jako jediná složka.
7D jsou 3 základní ZÁKONY, které definují základní SLOVESNÍ (výkonovou) částici, definovány v náboženství jako trojice, ale ve skutečnosti SPRAVEDLNOSTI je MATKA "stavitelovým čtvercem" OTEC "konstruktérův kompas a váha" a "slunce" "Syn". G "generace" syna, stvoření samo, Lucifer jako ANDĚL - neskorumpovaná "christická" ("ježíšovská") síla.
3 základní BARVY, 3 základní částice, 3 základní stavy hmoty, 3 základní stavy energie, které se doplňují, aby sformovali 6 (fyzické Lucifer-ovo stvoření 666), které se mísí do 7-dmé síly (Jednota) v jednom Bohu 777.
ONE - Null - Zero I.A.O
JEDNA - Nic - Nula I.A.O
Peklo je základnou trůnu, nebesa korunou krále ..
Tam kde se věda střetá s náboženstvím tváří v tvář a znalosti jsou opravdu získány.
O "C" - světlo - jeho relativní rychlost se rovná stejně frekvenci.
Vybrujete-li světelnou rychlostí, expandujete do hyperprostorové projekce, můžete cestovat v čase, poněvadž si můžete vybrat jakýkoli film, snímek v rámci celého filmu, jakmile se rozhodnete reintergovat jako jeho součást.
Chybou je, že se díváme na světlo jako RYCHLOST, i když ve skutečnosti světlo je stav energie (stav existence), ve skutečnosti relativně k jiným částem universa se pohybujeme rychlostí vyšší než rychlost světla, vnímáte to? Ne, protože forma se pohybuje taky ve stejném stavu energie, kde náš relativní stav se rovná "0" "statický" ve vztahu k nám.
konec překladu, Pego[/b]
V 4D máte výšku, šířku, hloubku a vektory pohybu přemítnuté jako hyperkostka v 3D, máte řadu minulých a budoucích rámců, které se skládají z předchozích a budoucí rámců energie v pohybu, která je označována jako čas, který má také svůj ekvivalent výšky, hloubky a šířky, které tvoří 3D materiální projekci hyperkostky, ale je to spojené s energetickou součástí hmoty, v tom kterém časovém horizontu...
Podíváme-li se na 3D, je jako se podíváme na jeden snímek z filmu.
Podíváme-li se na 4D, je jako dívat se na celý film jako jediný komponent a pochopení sil, které regulovali všechny změny, políčko po políčku, od začátku až do konce jako jedinou složku.
5. dimenze je pak, podíváme-li se na všechny matematické rovnice, kterýma se řídí životy těch, kteří udělali film až po jednotlivé atomy, které šli do výroby celofánu filmu a fotony, které vytvořili obrázek v jeho chemickém složení, další chemické reakce, které vyvolali film, včetně rukou, které založili rolku filmu do vyvolávacího stroje a taky, co si člověk, vyvolávající film, myslel v tomto okamžiku. (čtení mysli bohů).
6. dimenze se vztahuje na 4096 fyzikálních zákonů, kterými se řídí světy v stvoření, od pekla až po nebe, viděné také, jak celý film, divadlo a galaxie je jakoby v dalším filmu, který je ve filmu, který je ve filmu. Nalinkované od středu autrotrogoegocratic-kého vesmíru jako jediná složka.
7D jsou 3 základní ZÁKONY, které definují základní SLOVESNÍ (výkonovou) částici, definovány v náboženství jako trojice, ale ve skutečnosti SPRAVEDLNOSTI je MATKA "stavitelovým čtvercem" OTEC "konstruktérův kompas a váha" a "slunce" "Syn". G "generace" syna, stvoření samo, Lucifer jako ANDĚL - neskorumpovaná "christická" ("ježíšovská") síla.
3 základní BARVY, 3 základní částice, 3 základní stavy hmoty, 3 základní stavy energie, které se doplňují, aby sformovali 6 (fyzické Lucifer-ovo stvoření 666), které se mísí do 7-dmé síly (Jednota) v jednom Bohu 777.
ONE - Null - Zero I.A.O
JEDNA - Nic - Nula I.A.O
Peklo je základnou trůnu, nebesa korunou krále ..
Tam kde se věda střetá s náboženstvím tváří v tvář a znalosti jsou opravdu získány.
O "C" - světlo - jeho relativní rychlost se rovná stejně frekvenci.
Vybrujete-li světelnou rychlostí, expandujete do hyperprostorové projekce, můžete cestovat v čase, poněvadž si můžete vybrat jakýkoli film, snímek v rámci celého filmu, jakmile se rozhodnete reintergovat jako jeho součást.
Chybou je, že se díváme na světlo jako RYCHLOST, i když ve skutečnosti světlo je stav energie (stav existence), ve skutečnosti relativně k jiným částem universa se pohybujeme rychlostí vyšší než rychlost světla, vnímáte to? Ne, protože forma se pohybuje taky ve stejném stavu energie, kde náš relativní stav se rovná "0" "statický" ve vztahu k nám.
konec překladu, Pego[/b]
Naposledy upravil(a) Pego dne stř 15 říj 2008 13:35, celkem upraveno 2 x.
- Pego
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- Příspěvky: 612
- Registrován: sob 05 dub 2008 19:46
- Dal: 29 poděkování
- Dostal: 19 poděkování
Rezonance / rotoverter / diod plug ...
Nemáte oprávnění prohlížet přiložené soubory.
- Pego
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- Příspěvky: 612
- Registrován: sob 05 dub 2008 19:46
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- Dostal: 19 poděkování
Hector OU / resonance - stripky
OU je v resonanci/transformaci ... prelozim jak bude cas
--- In RVreplication@yahoogroups.com, "Hector Perez Torres"
<arkresearch> wrote:
> The Disclosures I had made on RV along the lines of frequency,
> amplitude and PULSELENGHT usage on frequency drives in 120VAC
> driving 460VAC impedances (Motors Wired to 460VAC and driven in hi
> impedance to 120VAC give the KNOWLEDGE required to
> overunity transformation phenomena within this systems , In a sense
> RV and LOOPED RV theory is totaly public , but given in a form that
> is required to do the LAB models to get to the BASIC raw
> formulations, MRA Norman Wootan WORK , Bearden MEG , Bedini
> Motor ,Sweet VTA , Muller Motor , Newman Motor and other system
> a common link , that link is RESONANCE , were I state in RV theory
> that RESONANCE = RF and RF is equals to RADIANT energy were this
> energy can be aplicated in USEFULL thermodynamic law justificable
> systems to create overunity conditions were ambient energy is added
> to a system being endoenergetic in natural state ...
> Energy management must be a mixture of POWER engineering and
> advanced RADIO engineering, in order to attain a full control on
> energy usage and aplication.
> I feel quite frustrated on giving only a few toys and not being able
> to give the full extent of the knowledge I hold .
> (Time is runing out ) At least I am happy to end the energy from
> nothing debunker blabbering bullshit ...
> Overunity is the result of energy transformation within a system ..
> RV is one of Many basic and simple tools able to create conditions
> on were Overunity can manifest in order to be understood and
> engineered for practical aplications ..
> I wish to give more , but fact is I dont have the money power to
> do what is the next step in RV social revolution ..
> (People need to wake up )
> Hector D Perez Torres
--- In RVreplication@yahoogroups.com, "Hector Perez Torres"
<arkresearch> wrote:
> The Disclosures I had made on RV along the lines of frequency,
> amplitude and PULSELENGHT usage on frequency drives in 120VAC
> driving 460VAC impedances (Motors Wired to 460VAC and driven in hi
> impedance to 120VAC give the KNOWLEDGE required to
> overunity transformation phenomena within this systems , In a sense
> RV and LOOPED RV theory is totaly public , but given in a form that
> is required to do the LAB models to get to the BASIC raw
> formulations, MRA Norman Wootan WORK , Bearden MEG , Bedini
> Motor ,Sweet VTA , Muller Motor , Newman Motor and other system
> a common link , that link is RESONANCE , were I state in RV theory
> that RESONANCE = RF and RF is equals to RADIANT energy were this
> energy can be aplicated in USEFULL thermodynamic law justificable
> systems to create overunity conditions were ambient energy is added
> to a system being endoenergetic in natural state ...
> Energy management must be a mixture of POWER engineering and
> advanced RADIO engineering, in order to attain a full control on
> energy usage and aplication.
> I feel quite frustrated on giving only a few toys and not being able
> to give the full extent of the knowledge I hold .
> (Time is runing out ) At least I am happy to end the energy from
> nothing debunker blabbering bullshit ...
> Overunity is the result of energy transformation within a system ..
> RV is one of Many basic and simple tools able to create conditions
> on were Overunity can manifest in order to be understood and
> engineered for practical aplications ..
> I wish to give more , but fact is I dont have the money power to
> do what is the next step in RV social revolution ..
> (People need to wake up )
> Hector D Perez Torres
- Pego
- Zasloužilý člen
- Příspěvky: 612
- Registrován: sob 05 dub 2008 19:46
- Dal: 29 poděkování
- Dostal: 19 poděkování
plasma electrolisis
Roskó Farkas <ros> 22. 10. 2008 10:10
Dear Mehmet!
The pasma electrolisis setup is very simple. You can use hig voltage
DC, (180...300V) for the electrolisis, and asymmetrical electrodes.
Pure DC is not necessary, full wave rectified, or slight smoothed DC is
also obtainable. (I tried the device with PWM signal, but this is not
The setup:
The most important thing, is the glowing (steam?) layer around the
cathode (center electrode) . The lower voltage is better for the life
for the center electrode, but produces less efficiency. I think 300V
DC was a little bit too much in my experiment. You see the end of the
tungsten electrode becomes thinner.
I cannot measure the overall efficiency, because the produced steam
takes off very huge amount of heat. The extra energy van be calculated
from the input power, and created heat, but the water loss, and produced
hot steam should be calculated !
In power metering, the mechanical power meter is the better. The
pulses created by the underwater arc, usually disturbs the electronic
power meter. Or yuo can use an inverter, and the DC power in the input
side is more measureable.
This setup is practically unuseable, because the lifetime is the
electrode is very short (few minutes) I have an idea, to eliminate the
elctrodes, and directly contact two water jet, and create an electric
arc among them. Example: blow out a water jet from a rotating
cylinder, anc contact with an another water jet. But don't know, the
electrode is how many important in this effect?
An underwater arc experiment, you need a Microwave Oven Transformer, and
1uF 2,1KV cap, parallel to the secondary.
Rectifier is not necessary. The MOT resonates with a cap, and poduces
huge current in the secondary side.
(2-3 uF is the perfectly tuned cap, but this is dangerous for
This setup should be connected to the electrodes (os spark plug) under
the water. And have a fun. The spark plug should be a
resistorless type. (No "R" mark in the sign)
What are you interested in? I'm also interested in high voltage, high
frequency electronics, inverters, tesla coils etc.
Hector Perez Torres <arkresearch> 22. 10. 2008 11:59
Use capactrode with zaphire (Aluminium oxide )water capacitor plates
use hi voltage hi frequency 2.450 ghz series modulated LC config .
And enjoy the water run sun ...
Roskó Farkas <ros> 22. 10. 2008 10:10
Dear Mehmet!
The pasma electrolisis setup is very simple. You can use hig voltage
DC, (180...300V) for the electrolisis, and asymmetrical electrodes.
Pure DC is not necessary, full wave rectified, or slight smoothed DC is
also obtainable. (I tried the device with PWM signal, but this is not
The setup:
The most important thing, is the glowing (steam?) layer around the
cathode (center electrode) . The lower voltage is better for the life
for the center electrode, but produces less efficiency. I think 300V
DC was a little bit too much in my experiment. You see the end of the
tungsten electrode becomes thinner.
I cannot measure the overall efficiency, because the produced steam
takes off very huge amount of heat. The extra energy van be calculated
from the input power, and created heat, but the water loss, and produced
hot steam should be calculated !
In power metering, the mechanical power meter is the better. The
pulses created by the underwater arc, usually disturbs the electronic
power meter. Or yuo can use an inverter, and the DC power in the input
side is more measureable.
This setup is practically unuseable, because the lifetime is the
electrode is very short (few minutes) I have an idea, to eliminate the
elctrodes, and directly contact two water jet, and create an electric
arc among them. Example: blow out a water jet from a rotating
cylinder, anc contact with an another water jet. But don't know, the
electrode is how many important in this effect?
An underwater arc experiment, you need a Microwave Oven Transformer, and
1uF 2,1KV cap, parallel to the secondary.
Rectifier is not necessary. The MOT resonates with a cap, and poduces
huge current in the secondary side.
(2-3 uF is the perfectly tuned cap, but this is dangerous for
This setup should be connected to the electrodes (os spark plug) under
the water. And have a fun. The spark plug should be a
resistorless type. (No "R" mark in the sign)
What are you interested in? I'm also interested in high voltage, high
frequency electronics, inverters, tesla coils etc.
Hector Perez Torres <arkresearch> 22. 10. 2008 11:59
Use capactrode with zaphire (Aluminium oxide )water capacitor plates
use hi voltage hi frequency 2.450 ghz series modulated LC config .
And enjoy the water run sun ...
Nemáte oprávnění prohlížet přiložené soubory.
- Pego
- Zasloužilý člen
- Příspěvky: 612
- Registrován: sob 05 dub 2008 19:46
- Dal: 29 poděkování
- Dostal: 19 poděkování
Novy stav hmoty v 'tranzistoru'
Hector Perez Torres arkresearch(at)hotmail.com
[EVGRAY] Reread my description of electron being VITRON pyramid .... triangular 3D
Physicists find a new state of matter in a 'transistor'
McGill University researchers have discovered a new state of matter,
a quasi-three- dimensional electron crystal, in a material very much
like those used in the fabrication of modern transistors. This
discovery could have momentous implications for the development of
new electronic devices. Currently, the number of transistors that can
be inexpensively crammed onto a single computer chip increases
exponentially, doubling approximately every two years, a trend known
as Moore's Law. But there are limits, experts say. As chips get
smaller and smaller, scientists expect that the bizarre laws and
behaviours of quantum physics will take over, making ever-smaller
chips impossible.
This discovery, and other similar efforts, could help the electronics
industry once traditional manufacturing techniques approach these
quantum limits over the next decade or so, the researchers said.
Working with one of the purest semiconductor materials ever made,
they discovered the quasi-three-dimensional electron crystal in a
device cooled at ultra-low temperatures roughly 100 times colder than
intergalactic space. The material was then exposed to the most
powerful continuous magnetic fields generated on Earth. Their results
were published in the October issue of the journal Nature Physics.
Two-dimensional electron crystals were discovered in the laboratory
in the 1990s, and were predicted as far back as 1934 by renowned
Hungarian physicist Eugene Wigner.
"Picture a sandwich, and the ham in the middle is your electrons,"
explained Dr. Guillaume Gervais, director of McGill's Ultra-Low
Temperature Condensed Matter Experiment Lab. "In a 2D electron
crystal, the electrons are squeezed between two materials and they're
very two dimensional. They can move on a plane, like billiard balls
on a pool table, but there's no up and down motion. There's a
thickness, but they're stuck."
Until an accidental discovery during one of Gervais's earliest ultra-
low temperature experiments in 2005, however, no one predicted the
existence of quasi-three-dimensional electron crystals.
"We decided to tweak the two-dimensionality by applying a very large
magnetic field, using the largest magnet in the world at the Magnet
Lab in Florida," he said. "You only have access to it for about five
days a year, and on the third day, something totally unexpected
Gervais's "pop" was the startling transformation of a two-dimensional
electron system inside the semiconducting material into a quasi-three-
dimensional system, something existing theory did not predict.
"It's actually not quite 3-D, it's an in-between state, a totally new
phenomenon," he said. "This is the kind of thing the theoreticians
love. Now they're scratching their heads and trying to fine-tune
their models."
The importance of this discovery to micro-electronics and computing
could be profound. Since the invention of the integrated circuit in
1958, Moore's Law has powered the ever-accelerating home electronics,
personal computer and Internet revolutions which have changed the
world. But, Gervais explained, Moore's Law is not an irresistible
force, and some time in the next decade, it will inevitably collide
with the immovable object of the laws of physics.
"In a standard transistor, you have a gate and the electron flow is
controlled by it like a a faucet would control a gas flow," he
said. "You can understand the particles as independent units, which
lets us treat them as ones and zeroes or on and off switches in
digital computing.
"However, once you get down to the nano scale, quantum forces kick in
and the electrons may condense into a collective state and lose their
individual nature. Then all sorts of bizarre phenomena pop up. In
some cases, the electrons may even split. Concepts of 'on' and 'off'
lose all meaning under these conditions."
"This issue is academic, but it's not just academic. The same
semiconductor materials we're working with are currently used in
cellphones and other electronic devices. We need to understand
quantum effects so we can use them to our own advantage and perhaps
reinvent the transistor altogether. That way, progress in electronics
will keep happening ."
http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vao ... s1094.html
[EVGRAY] Reread my description of electron being VITRON pyramid .... triangular 3D
Physicists find a new state of matter in a 'transistor'
McGill University researchers have discovered a new state of matter,
a quasi-three- dimensional electron crystal, in a material very much
like those used in the fabrication of modern transistors. This
discovery could have momentous implications for the development of
new electronic devices. Currently, the number of transistors that can
be inexpensively crammed onto a single computer chip increases
exponentially, doubling approximately every two years, a trend known
as Moore's Law. But there are limits, experts say. As chips get
smaller and smaller, scientists expect that the bizarre laws and
behaviours of quantum physics will take over, making ever-smaller
chips impossible.
This discovery, and other similar efforts, could help the electronics
industry once traditional manufacturing techniques approach these
quantum limits over the next decade or so, the researchers said.
Working with one of the purest semiconductor materials ever made,
they discovered the quasi-three-dimensional electron crystal in a
device cooled at ultra-low temperatures roughly 100 times colder than
intergalactic space. The material was then exposed to the most
powerful continuous magnetic fields generated on Earth. Their results
were published in the October issue of the journal Nature Physics.
Two-dimensional electron crystals were discovered in the laboratory
in the 1990s, and were predicted as far back as 1934 by renowned
Hungarian physicist Eugene Wigner.
"Picture a sandwich, and the ham in the middle is your electrons,"
explained Dr. Guillaume Gervais, director of McGill's Ultra-Low
Temperature Condensed Matter Experiment Lab. "In a 2D electron
crystal, the electrons are squeezed between two materials and they're
very two dimensional. They can move on a plane, like billiard balls
on a pool table, but there's no up and down motion. There's a
thickness, but they're stuck."
Until an accidental discovery during one of Gervais's earliest ultra-
low temperature experiments in 2005, however, no one predicted the
existence of quasi-three-dimensional electron crystals.
"We decided to tweak the two-dimensionality by applying a very large
magnetic field, using the largest magnet in the world at the Magnet
Lab in Florida," he said. "You only have access to it for about five
days a year, and on the third day, something totally unexpected
Gervais's "pop" was the startling transformation of a two-dimensional
electron system inside the semiconducting material into a quasi-three-
dimensional system, something existing theory did not predict.
"It's actually not quite 3-D, it's an in-between state, a totally new
phenomenon," he said. "This is the kind of thing the theoreticians
love. Now they're scratching their heads and trying to fine-tune
their models."
The importance of this discovery to micro-electronics and computing
could be profound. Since the invention of the integrated circuit in
1958, Moore's Law has powered the ever-accelerating home electronics,
personal computer and Internet revolutions which have changed the
world. But, Gervais explained, Moore's Law is not an irresistible
force, and some time in the next decade, it will inevitably collide
with the immovable object of the laws of physics.
"In a standard transistor, you have a gate and the electron flow is
controlled by it like a a faucet would control a gas flow," he
said. "You can understand the particles as independent units, which
lets us treat them as ones and zeroes or on and off switches in
digital computing.
"However, once you get down to the nano scale, quantum forces kick in
and the electrons may condense into a collective state and lose their
individual nature. Then all sorts of bizarre phenomena pop up. In
some cases, the electrons may even split. Concepts of 'on' and 'off'
lose all meaning under these conditions."
"This issue is academic, but it's not just academic. The same
semiconductor materials we're working with are currently used in
cellphones and other electronic devices. We need to understand
quantum effects so we can use them to our own advantage and perhaps
reinvent the transistor altogether. That way, progress in electronics
will keep happening ."
http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vao ... s1094.html
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- Příspěvky: 612
- Registrován: sob 05 dub 2008 19:46
- Dal: 29 poděkování
- Dostal: 19 poděkování
3 fazove frekvencni pohony
[EVGRAY] On 3PH Frequency drives
Hector Perez Torres
22. 10.2008
3 PH Frequency drives do respond with tuned pulselenght better in 230
VAC driving Motors at 460 than at 120VAC , that simplifies it , its
better to get off shelve with less problems tuning the pulselenght than
lowering the VOLTAGE to 120AC from standard ready easy to get 230VAC
drives out of the box and having more complicated amplitude regulation
Thats the latest testing resolve , to simplicate & lower cost being
more efective in aplication .
drive, transformer from 120VAC to 230VAC and all consumimg under 40W
is quite well ...
Feel free to repost ...
No need to rewrite just add , as the frequency drives can be
programed to regulate pulselenght by means of monitoring speed
load and seek optimal run parameter by themselves , the ones I got
are like that, they seek optimal operation by self adjust .
There is variants in impedance, core mass , & capacitance were we can
play with amplitude , frequency & pulselenghts to obtain RESONANCE
were we have OU transform , once we get there we can then PLAY with
feeding syncrhonized pulses into a circuit with specific lenght and
timing as to ENHANCE OU transform into using Small energy to Create
large amount at the output being tensored as non reflective to input
Or we may say "0" VSWR.
Alike with lawnmower motors .. HEHEHE!
The phasoring of pulses need to be done within the logaritmic gain
slopes of RADIANT RE magnetic (Marnetic) amplification .
From there once a looped system is obtained we have to work
with certain transform formulations from AETHER density tensor &
time .
E = MC² but Also M=MC²/T (Light divided by the square root of time)
Here M transforms energy by resonance from Time decay were m=mc^10/T
Were Aether is defined as 10 times the speed of light (astral light )
in blue violet hyperoctaves.
So we take signal decay in time we multiply its energy to the
inversed square of decay , obtaining a reversing of entropy from
aether tensor in time space . The tranform engine for such transform
of energy can be Iron atom , that upon depletion turns to carbon one
if forced beyond entropy E decay .
In resonance the Iron Atom takes energy from AETHER region connected
to Iron sun resonance (black holes) so its energy being infinite is
only modulated by gravitic events (changing Atomic impedance that
link iron to universal Black holes aether energy tensor flux & others)
Electron spin being 1.4 to 1.6 mhz magnetic modulation being
128.8KHz (Iron),
If water heats at 2.450GHz
then what is the molecular cooling one ? (frequency)
Iron ?
There are 16 more formulas to complement Einstein one ...
M=MC²/T is just one to play with into the next century ..
M=E/T ? (so simple ? ) but what is the Mass constant of time
C² ? or 0 then what is o squared 2 smaller zeroes? so we go back to
same problem, mathematics are limited for giving a solution when we
limit the division or squaring of one and zero.
zero can be defined as infinity by being a point in space
Zero point energy, Forget about cassimir effect ,is not the effect we
seek but the cause and its aplication to RF energy .
Were we indeed find zeropoints within its NODES !
Truth ?
Its relative from viewers point but absolute from center one .
(Event Horizon one) were one & zero are compressed to jing jang !
symbol .
Said too much already ..
Safatty & Hawkings can kiss my ass !
Hector (:P
Hector Perez Torres
22. 10.2008
3 PH Frequency drives do respond with tuned pulselenght better in 230
VAC driving Motors at 460 than at 120VAC , that simplifies it , its
better to get off shelve with less problems tuning the pulselenght than
lowering the VOLTAGE to 120AC from standard ready easy to get 230VAC
drives out of the box and having more complicated amplitude regulation
Thats the latest testing resolve , to simplicate & lower cost being
more efective in aplication .
drive, transformer from 120VAC to 230VAC and all consumimg under 40W
is quite well ...
Feel free to repost ...
No need to rewrite just add , as the frequency drives can be
programed to regulate pulselenght by means of monitoring speed
load and seek optimal run parameter by themselves , the ones I got
are like that, they seek optimal operation by self adjust .
There is variants in impedance, core mass , & capacitance were we can
play with amplitude , frequency & pulselenghts to obtain RESONANCE
were we have OU transform , once we get there we can then PLAY with
feeding syncrhonized pulses into a circuit with specific lenght and
timing as to ENHANCE OU transform into using Small energy to Create
large amount at the output being tensored as non reflective to input
Or we may say "0" VSWR.
Alike with lawnmower motors .. HEHEHE!
The phasoring of pulses need to be done within the logaritmic gain
slopes of RADIANT RE magnetic (Marnetic) amplification .
From there once a looped system is obtained we have to work
with certain transform formulations from AETHER density tensor &
time .
E = MC² but Also M=MC²/T (Light divided by the square root of time)
Here M transforms energy by resonance from Time decay were m=mc^10/T
Were Aether is defined as 10 times the speed of light (astral light )
in blue violet hyperoctaves.
So we take signal decay in time we multiply its energy to the
inversed square of decay , obtaining a reversing of entropy from
aether tensor in time space . The tranform engine for such transform
of energy can be Iron atom , that upon depletion turns to carbon one
if forced beyond entropy E decay .
In resonance the Iron Atom takes energy from AETHER region connected
to Iron sun resonance (black holes) so its energy being infinite is
only modulated by gravitic events (changing Atomic impedance that
link iron to universal Black holes aether energy tensor flux & others)
Electron spin being 1.4 to 1.6 mhz magnetic modulation being
128.8KHz (Iron),
If water heats at 2.450GHz
then what is the molecular cooling one ? (frequency)
Iron ?
There are 16 more formulas to complement Einstein one ...
M=MC²/T is just one to play with into the next century ..
M=E/T ? (so simple ? ) but what is the Mass constant of time
C² ? or 0 then what is o squared 2 smaller zeroes? so we go back to
same problem, mathematics are limited for giving a solution when we
limit the division or squaring of one and zero.
zero can be defined as infinity by being a point in space
Zero point energy, Forget about cassimir effect ,is not the effect we
seek but the cause and its aplication to RF energy .
Were we indeed find zeropoints within its NODES !
Truth ?
Its relative from viewers point but absolute from center one .
(Event Horizon one) were one & zero are compressed to jing jang !
symbol .
Said too much already ..
Safatty & Hawkings can kiss my ass !
Hector (:P